Lena Tereshkova

Designer for Digital & Live Experiences. Trained as an interior specialist and visual communicator. Based in London. Working with clients from all around the world both as an individual practitioner and as a leading designer in an agency.

Pelican Exchange


Minimal chart screens for Pelican Exchange app

Pelican is the most advanced mobile optimised trading platform, which allows users to execute traders on over 6,000 markets around the world and to share their trades with people they know.

Pelican turns your phone into a market neutral trading terminal. You can trade thousands of global markets 24hrs a day from anywhere in the world. Begin trading with either a live account or the £10,000 virtual funds the service gives you upon downloading the app.

One good trade does not make a successful trader. Pelican will provide you with the tools to ensure that you stay disciplined, consistent and honest with yourself.

There are hundreds of ways to trade, but which one is best for you? Pelican’s Discover section allows you to interact with many of the leading mentors to work this out and start a successful trading career.

Pelican is regulated to allow expert traders to sell signals. Mentors can create groups and charge for access.

London 2024

Lena Tereshkova