Lena Tereshkova

Designer for Digital & Live Experiences. Trained as an interior specialist and visual communicator. Based in London. Working with clients from all around the world both as an individual practitioner and as a leading designer in an agency.

Internal Kinetics


Vinyl Cover design

“The album cover has been the primary frame for musical imagery... It establishes a set of reference points that you then bring to the musical experience,” discoursed Rick Poynor during his talk in 2016.

When I was asked to design a cover for Internal Kinetics record, my vision of the task was aproximately the same:

Aiming to visualise internal kinetics in an abstract way, I ended up shooting garlic scapes. The image was inverted and became a background that links different geometric shapes in the same way the recorded album unites various artists.

London 2024

Lena Tereshkova